About Institute

International Integrated oncology training is an Indo – swiss initiative jointly started by certified doctors of India and Switzerland specialised in Conventional oncology and expertise from Complementary and Alternative medicine to train doctors for the practice of integrative and palliative oncology.

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The training modules are conducted in a set of 4 modules
3 modules in India & 1 module at the Klinik Arleshiem, Switzerland

  • Basics of Oncology (Lectures conducted by Oncologists)
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy
  • Immune-Modulation in cancer
  • Palliative Care
  • Integrative Oncology (Lectures conducted by Oncologists)
    • Introduction to Mistletoe /Viscum Album
    • Mistletoe therapy (MT) & its Therapeutic potential (Read More)
    • Botanical aspects of Mistletoe
    • Pharmacology of Mistletoe
    • Immunology cancer & MT
    • Organ specific applications of MT
    • Palliative Clinical applications

Special section on :

  • Introduction to Anthroposophic Medicine (Read More)
  • Anthroposophic Philosophy in cancer
  • MT Case studies & Scientific research
  • Patient sharing experiences (Live)
  • Scientific advances and research studies
  • Psycho- oncology (Read More)
  • Biography work shop
  • Anthroposophic Art therapy (Live demonstration)
  • Movement therapy Eurythmy (Read More) (Module conducted along with a visiting European Oncologist/faculty)

Klinik Arlesheim, Switzerland

Conducted by Head oncologist of the Hospital

  • Guided tour of the Klinik Arleshiem (Hospital)
  • Ward rounds and visit to the out-patient clinic

Practical/Live demonstrations

  • Anthroposophic remedies in Oncological care
  • External applications & Rhythmical massage
  • Curative Eurythmy
  • Art therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Hyper-Thermia

Theoretical Lectures

  • Special Mistletoe training lectures with various clinical applications
  • Live Patient presentations
  • PediatricOncology
  • Documented case studies
  • Research and advances in MT

Mistletoe pharmaceutical process (Visit to the companies)

Iscador Ag (Switzerland), Helixor (Germany) 

  • Mistletoe harvesting & cultivation
  • Host tree’s observations
  • Manufacturing process
  • Hands on experience in nature
  • Clinical lectures
  • Research lectures

Special visit to the Gotheanum

  • Lectures on Anthroposophic Philosophy
  • Lectures on Spirituality in Cancer

Final Certification Program

Presided by heads of the Medical Section at the Gotheanum along with faculty.

  • Place : Hyderabad

  • Date : August 17th & 18th 2019
    Venue : Administrative Staff College of India
    College Park Campus
    Road No.3, Banjara Hills
    Hyderabad – 500 034


  • Place : Mumbai

  • Date : November 16th & 17th 2019
    Venue : Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini
    Keshav Srushti, Uttan Village,Essel World Road,
    Bhayander (West),Thane – 401106, Maharashtra.


  • Place : Hyderabad

  • Date : January 10th,11th,12th 2020
    Venue : Administrative Staff College of India
    College Park Campus
    Road No.3, Banjara Hills
    Hyderabad – 500 034


  • Place : Arlesheim Switzerland

  • Date : March 23rd to 27th 2020
    Venue : Klinik Arlesheim

  • This is a Post Graduate Certification Training program
    Registered to practice Medicine by the
    Respected Registered Medical Councils of India & Abroad
    It is mandatory to posses a registration number at the time of
    enrolling for the training program.



Course fees : INR.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only)

Fees include :

India (3 Modules) : Lectures, course materials, during stay – Breakfasts, Lunches and Teas
Switzerland ( 4th Module for 5 days) : Lectures, course materials, during stay – Breakfasts, Lunches and Teas, travel to the manufacturing factories.

Does not include :

India : Residential and travel costs.Hotels and places of residence near/at the place of the training program in Hyderabad and Mumbai will be suggested by the organizing team of the training program.If desired the same hotels could be booked for stay.

Switzerland : Residential, travel and visa costs. Hotels and places of residence next to Klinik Arlesheim in Switzerland will be suggested by the organizing team of the training program.The
team will also assist in international booking.

  • Mode of Payment

  • Payment may be made either in full or 50% by cheque or online
    transfer.The first installment to be made while registration for the
    first module and balance at beginning of second module.

  • Refund policy

  • Cancellation of participation within

    1. 15th July 75% refund

    2.Cancellation within 31 July 50% refund

    3. Post 1st Aug 2019 , no refund
    Any dropouts midway will not be eligible for any refund whatsoever.

  • (Payment details)

  • Cheques or Online Bank transfers to be made in favor of
    AMS India IIOT, Payable at Bengaluru.
    Beneficiary: Anthroposophic Medical Society, India I I O T
    Bank: Central Bank of India Branch: Indiranagar
    Account Number: 3612391099
    I F S C Code: CBIN0281425

  • The Anthroposophic Medical Society and the Medical Section of the Goetheanum provide this module of training in India as an informative training and dissemination of scientific information. The laws of the country may be followed in their use and practice as per the laid down statutes. This program is made available independently without any inclination or favour towards any
    particular pharmaceutical.

    All 4 modules are compulsory to be completed for the final certification.



Registration Form

Download the form, fill it and send the scanned copy to internationalmistletoetraining@gmail.com